认识博士. 泰勒巴尔.

2024年3月- 29

认识博士. 巴尔, in celebration of International Doctor's Day.


“我一直对科学很感兴趣,一开始我想成为一名拥有博士学位的实验室科学家. 我也喜欢教书,所以我考虑把教书作为我本科的一条路线. I felt a little pushed away from medicine, knowing how much they worked and how much debt that they take on. 尽管有这些保留意见,我还是进入了实验室科学工作,结果发现它对我来说太理论化了. 我喜欢与人互动,和他们在一起,更直接地帮助他们. 在这段探索期间,我有一个朋友说服我跟随一位家庭医生. While shadowing I thought, “Oh this is actually really cool!”. I really liked what the physician’s day to day work was. You have the opportunity to teach patients things about the body, and there is obviously a lot of science involved in medicine. Around the same time, 我在本科时选修了解剖学和生理学课程,我对人体的兴趣越来越大,我想继续学习更多足球外围平台人体的知识. That is when I realized that the medicine path suited me."


“我记得在医学院二年级的时候,我在儿科急诊科工作. 那时我还处于临床轮转的早期阶段,所以我非常“生疏”。. I was working with another medical student, and we had this young patient come in with really bad elbow pain. We tried everything we could think of to figure out what was wrong, ordering X-rays and running through different possibilities, but we just couldn't crack it. 足球外围最靠谱的平台和主治医生谈过,他们马上就知道是什么了. With a quick maneuver, they fixed the problem – turns out it was 'nursemaid elbow,' something I hadn't encountered before. The patient was smiling and better in a matter of minutes! 看到一个问题如此迅速地被人工诊断和解决,真是太酷了, just by having prior experience in seeing the issue in other patients. 这是非常令人满意的,令人难忘的,让你意识到有多少东西要学."

How do you approach building a strong doctor-patient relationship, especially in a small, close community like ours?

“我相信信任和坦诚的沟通是任何健康医患关系的基石, especially in a close community. It's important for patients to feel comfortable being honest with me, and that starts with me being transparent and honest with them. 即使病人并不总是按照你的要求去做, you have to continue to treat them with respect and understanding. 面对病人,不带评判地倾听是很重要的. Building trust takes time and effort, but it's incredibly rewarding. 如果能让我与某人建立个人关系,从我自己的个人经历说起通常会有所帮助."


“I've always been drawn to rural, mountainous communities, having grown up in the mountains of Colorado. Despite not knowing much about California, 我受到了一位曾在足球外围平台工作的急诊室同事的鼓励. She said, “I used to work in this town called Quincy. It was really cool, you should check it out.“她对昆西的热情激起了我的兴趣,我决定进一步探索. I was able to work with the ER department, 做一些旋转, and get familiar with the group and the community. What struck me about Quincy was its unique charm – it's not too big, 不太热闹, but still has a lot of opportunities, especially in the realm of outdoor recreation. 从我第一次来昆西开始,我就觉得昆西是个适合居住的好地方.

不像我去过的其他一些农村地区,那里的医疗服务提供者似乎有点脱离实际或没有人情味, the team here at Plumas District Hospital felt different. 他们知识渊博,友好,真诚地致力于病人的健康. There are a great group of medical providers here. 这里的大多数医生在医院和诊所工作,同时与病人保持良好的连续性. 除了在诊所给病人看病,我还会在急诊室工作. 我希望成为一个好的,高质量的医生,为这个社区的病人.”


“超声波是一个我有很多实践经验的领域. 我在一家提供床边超声技术教育和培训的组织教书, called Hospital Procedure Consultants. 床边超声可以让你诊断病人的许多潜在问题, including musculoskeletal, 产科, 心脏, 肺, 等. 它快速、高效,在为患者提供更多信息的同时节省了患者的时间. 我希望能帮助把更多的床边超声带到诊所和医院, while helping bring others up to speed with that practice.”

在你看来, 小型城市的医疗保健面临哪些独特的挑战和机遇, rural setting compared to larger urban areas?

“When you are in a mountainous, remote area like Quincy, 交通对于人们获得他们需要的护理来说是一个挑战. They may need specific services that they have to travel for. 道路状况, 下雪的天气, combined with an aging population, can prove a challenge for some to access care, 即使是在昆西.”


“随着时间的推移,你会发现医学知识呈指数级增长. 一百年前, 即使在50年前, medical knowledge was easier to understand and stay up to date with. 今天,知识的增长和医学治疗有了显著的增长. 这是今天越来越多的医疗专业人员专业化的部分原因. 我听了很多播客,读了很多书,试图跟上时代.

我很早就学到的一件事是如果你真的倾听你的病人, they can teach you a lot. Personal care is key as every patient is unique and different. If I can’t answer the patient’s question, I tell them. While some may expect me to have all the answers, it is important to be honest with them in the present moment, and then dedicate time to digging into a question after a visit.”

Are there any hobbies or interests outside of medicine that you enjoy, 除了你的专业角色之外,你打算如何参与社区活动?

My family is a big part of my life. I enjoy spending a lot of time with them. One of my favorite hobbies is One-Wheeling. People will definitely see me riding around town on that thing. 我喜欢骑山地自行车,我期待着在昆西周围进行更多的雪上运动. I want to get involved with the local 搜索 and Rescue team. I hear that some physicians are involved with the school district, volunteering at local sporting events. We will see what comes up!”

What do you see as the strengths of our local healthcare system?

“I think you have a strong medical staff at Plumas District Hospital. 农村社区的大多数医院确实很难吸引并留住高质量的医生. I have also been impressed with PDH’s administration team as well. 他们做了很多工作,以保持医院区和诊所的财务健全. 在你看到很多小医院倒闭的环境下,这一点很重要. As far as I can tell the hospital is currently well run, which is very important for the health of the community.”

Anything else you would like to share?

“足球外围最靠谱的平台很兴奋。. 这对足球外围最靠谱的平台来说将是一个巨大的变化,足球外围最靠谱的平台在文图拉住了七年. 我很兴奋能回到山上,再次住在一个小镇上. 我期待着和家人一起加入昆西社区!”







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